Quick Facts
Estimated Hike Time: Hours
Elevation Gain: Feet
Total Distance: Miles
Location: Mt Madonna CP
Trail: MerryGoRound Sprigs Loop
Type: Hiking
Purpose: Activity – Follow a pre-planned route or itenerary.
Meet Us Here:
GPS in Degrees Decimal Format (Google Maps): ,
GPS in Degrees Minutes Decimal Format (Most Cars): ,
Waze Mobile App Trail Link:
Frequently Asked Questions
Best Practice: As always, it is a good practice to confirm the night before that any app you use takes you to where you expect, by comparing the app destination with what is posted above on your PC or Mac.
How To Find Us: The GPS locations above and the map below are accurate enough to find us by looking around with your eyes when you get there. Zoom in all the way.
How To Get There: Please use the second map below to familiarize yourself with the trip, and explore various route options from your home. Enter your start address.
Nearest Street Address: Most street addresses provided by the Google Map below are approximate, and may be up to a couple of miles from the hike location. Use GPS coordinates when driving, if possible.
Additional Information
Meeting Location: At trail head
Parking Fee: No
Official Trail Use: [ez1r3]
Facilities at Trail head: None. No restrooms, or water.
Recommended Map: https://parks.sccgov.org/sites/g/files/exjcpb961/files/documents/Mt%20Madonna%20Guide%20Map_5.pdf
Shade Recommendation: Zoom in on the Satellite map below to see the shade.
One of the most majestic of Santa Clara County’s regional park and recreation areas. This 3,688 acre park is dominated by the redwood forest so characteristic of the Santa Cruz Mountain range. To the east, the park overlooks the Santa Clara Valley, to the west, Monterey Bay. As the slopes of Mt. Madonna descend toward the valley, the landscape changes from redwood forest to oak woodland, dense chaparral and grassy meadows.
Our Planned Route
[sgpxstats gpx=”https://www.sleeplateandhike.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/15/MtMadonna_9_9mi.gpx”]
Event Plan:
Merry Go Round Trail to Loop Trail to Ridge Trail.
Created By: Kal A. [Kal A. show=”avatar” size=”50″]